
What is a Gyroscope?

A gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principles of angular momentum. Mechanically, a gyroscope is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axle is free to assume any orientation. Although this orientation does not remain fixed, it changes in response to an external torque much less and in a different direction than it would with the large angular momentum associated with the disc's high rate of spin and moment of inertia. The device's orientation remains nearly fixed, regardless of the mounting platform's motion.

History of Gyroscopes?

Ancient people across the world used spinning tops in games but never found a practical application for them. In the 18th century, an English scientist named Serson suggested a spinning top could be used as an artificial horizon in fog when at sea. But his attempts to prove his theory resulted in his death by drowning.

Gyroscopes were discovered by Johann Bohnenburger in 1810, who used a ball instead of the modern wheel. However, his creation had no scientific application, so the discovery of gyroscopes is commonly attributed to Leon Foucault. In 1845, Foucault built a gyroscope and gave it its name. He used his invention while studying the rotation of Earth. Today, gyroscopes have numerous uses.

Uses of Gyroscopes?

Demonstration gyroscope are often used in physics class in schools. They usually have gimbals that allow you to place weights on an axis to show it reacts. That helps demonstrate how a gyroscope can continually point one direction.

Computer pointing devices that allow a mouse to be controlled while the device is in the air contain a gyroscope that tracks the movement of your hand.

Gyroscopes are used in several forms in transportation. Car engines act like big gyroscopes, so the racing industry takes them into consideration. Because the cars only turn in one direction, the gyroscopic force helps the car stay on the track. Motorcycle wheels also act as gyroscopes to make the bike easier to balance. Gyroscopes are also used in monorails and ships to help them stay upright.

One of the most common forms gyroscopes take are navigational tools called a gyrocompass. A gyrocompass works like a normal compass, but is more accurate and not affected by magnetism, so they're often used in ships and planes.

How to Make a Gyroscope?

All you need to make a gyroscope is a wheel and an axle that can fit through the center of the wheel. Use a bicycle wheel, which already has an axle and bearings. If you spin the wheel and support the axle on one end (for example, by holding it with a rope or string,) it will stay horizontal.

Where to buy a Gyroscope? offers various gyroscopes ranging from the Basic Gyroscope to the Gravitron Gyroscope and the most advanced model the Precision Gyroscope. You can find these gyroscopes at online store by typing "Gyro" in the search field and clicking "find."

Basic Gyroscope



Gyroscope Gravitron



Precision Gyroscope

